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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Take a step back. Fucking look at yourself. You are human. You are beautiful. You are so beautiful. And you can be anything. You can be everything. Do not hate because someone broke your heart, or because your parents split up, your best friend betrayed you, your father hit you, the kid down the street called you fat,  ugly, stupid, worthless. Do not concern yourself with things you cannot control. Cry when you need to, then let go when it`s time. Don`t hang onto painful memories just because you are afraid to forget. Let go of things that are in the past. Forget things that are not worth remembering. Stop taking things for granted. Stop taking life for granted. Live for something. Live for yourself. Fall in love. Fall out love. Fall in love. Fall out love. Do this over and over until you know what it really is to love someone. Question things. Tell people how you really feel. Sleep under the stars. Create. Imagine. Inspire. Share something wonderful. Make something beautiful and then destroy it. Meet new people. Make someone`s day. Follow your dreams. Live your life to its full potential. Just live, dammit. Let go of all the horrible things in your life and just fucking live. And one day, when you are old, look back with no regrets.

p/s* jangan copy okei..kalau nak minta izin atau credit to me first,then haruslah like

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

hari nie tetiba rasa nak update blog.
dah lama tak update.
datang pulak mood rajin nak meng "update"
takde banyak hal pun nak cerita.

cuma first teha nak citer..
  •  hidup nie jngn putus asa.  yeah.. itu yg teha pegang. bila jatuh bangun balik. jangan bila dah jatuh dah tak bngun2 dah.. biarkan diri terus bergolek2.. tdo terus. itu tak bgus okei. bila jatuh bngun, jatuh lagi, bngun lagi, jatuh, bangun, jatuh bangun and begitulah seterusnya. fall in love , fall  out love, fall in love, fall out love.. that will make yourself become stronger and matured, because you will learn more about people`s attitude, behavior. that same goes to me. i have been dumped but i move on. that was not the end of my life. i must keep going. pretending nothing happen to me. but in deep deep of my heart, i want happiness like everybody. but i need to find it myself. happiness will not come to me just like that. i mean in an easy way. i have to give it a try.
second story...
  • exam are coming!!! stress!! all those assignment and presentation need to be submitted within 2 weeks!! but as i said, never ever give up. just face it. just smile. all i need to do is do my part, then the success will come after. 
that`s all i wanna share with you.. 
yang buruk datang dr sy, yang baik smuanya datang dari ALLAH.
yang baik jadikan [pedoman, yang buruk, kamu smua jngn ikut plak tau.. hehe
till next time..
xoxo ^_^

p/s* jangan copy okei..kalau nak minta izin atau credit to me first,then haruslah like

Ini blog teha_aziz. Jangan Copy Cat kerana anda mungkin didakwa. Jika suka sila credit ke teha_aziz